The Itchy Mitchy Show has been invited to the Alice Cooper Solid Rock Teen Center in Phoenix, AZ. At “The Rock” we will be interviewing fellow teens, speaking to local Phoenix schools, and so much more! This opportunity from a renowned teen center is an “absolute dream come true” says Mitchell Roggenbuck, founder of The Itchy Mitchy Show.
What Is Solid Rock All About?
The Rock is a safe place for local kids to hang out, learn music, and build lifelong friendships instead of the alternative of being out on the streets. The Rock is a safe zone for teens to express themselves, get free music lessons, dance lessons, and overall to learn healthy ways of expressing themselves.
In a world of drugs, violence, and temptation, The Rock is a place where teens can escape. Between 50–100 teens go to the teen center on any given day. Teen centers are crucial to struggling teens’ lives, and Alice Cooper founded the absolute best.
Teens At Risk In The 21st Century
Our generation is struggling more than ever before. Between mental illness, bullying, drugs, alcohol, abuse, and so much more, we are in a major crisis.

Teens are struggling like never before when it comes to narcotic abuse, mental health, self-harm, and suicide. The opioid crisis is still running large in teens’ lives. This is why we need teen centers.
The Benefits Of Solid Rock
Teen centers are safe zones. According to Solid Rock, “Studies have revealed that involvement in the arts (music, dance, art, self-expression) lead to greater success in school, regardless of socioeconomic status.”
At Solid Rock, teens from all walks of life are able to invest their skills and time into productive outlets of self-expression. The Rock provides teens with instruments, lessons, masterclasses, and so much more.
They are also always looking for donations to the program.
“Yes we do accept musical instruments in good working order for donations (no horns, flutes or pianos, with the exception of weighted keyboards) as well as any in-kind donations of school supplies, computers, art supplies, food, etc. Please refer to our Donate page for more information on how you can get involved.”
Alice Cooper Solid Rock FAQ Page
If you have the ability to send support their way, all donations are crucial to keeping The Rock alive.
The Rock is a great place for kids to grow in ways that are unseen in most teen centers across the nation. They do not “tolerate any drugs, alcohol, inappropriate language, weapons, gang colors, bullying or disrespect in any form.” It is a very safe environment for your teen. If you are in the area, you should get them involved today.
Alice Cooper In My Life
As a teen who was struggling with untreated mental illness, bullying, and addiction, music kept me going from day to day. Alice Cooper was one of the most influential musicians in my life and my absolute hero since I was 7 years old.
Since 2009 I have seen Alice live between 2–3 times a year. His story inspired me to overcome my vices and change my life in ways that I never thought possible. In the start of my journey to overcome addiction, the first thing said to me was, “If Alice F***ing Cooper can get sober, so can you.” I remind myself of that every day. Having a Christian teen center that focuses on those fundamentals is an amazing outlet for so many.
From falling in love for the first time at a Hollywood Vampires concert, (a rock ‘n roll supergroup with the legendary Alice Cooper as their frontman) to Alice Cooper being my first concert I ever attended, Alice Cooper has shaped my life and is my life.
Alice Cooper gave me perspective on life. When I was at the point in my life that I developed a “Baby’s brain and an old man’s heart” like depicted in I’m Eighteen, all I had in life was confusion. Through the depths of addiction I could finally understand the meaning of the song Ballad Of Dwight Fry when Alice sings, “See my lonely life unfold, I see it every day. See my lonely mind explode, since I’ve gone away.”
Alice Cooper has shaped me into the person I have become. Teens attending Solid Rock are so lucky to have such an amazing place to grow and develop. Alice Cooper saved my life, which I will be forever and eternally grateful for, and it is so amazing that his ideology has been implemented in a way that directly helps other teens who are living through the same hell I once was.
Support The Solid Rock Teen Center
Support the Solid Rock Teen Center by clicking HERE. You can also check out the Solid Rock Shop! All proceeds go towards The Rock.
Stay posted for upcoming content on The Itchy Mitchy Show’s trip to Phoenix! Coming out May 2020! (Coronavirus Dependent)
Thank you to the #itchymitchynation for all your support. We couldn’t do it without you guys. Thanks to all my friends and family who show their support on a daily basis.
Also special thanks to Randy Spencer at the Solid Rock Teen Center for all your help in making this dream come true. It means the world to me and I am ecstatic about this amazing opportunity! Last but not least, thank you Alice for the impact you have made on my life and the amazing opportunities you are giving to our generation. I hope to be able to meet with you sometime in the future!
Check out Alice Cooper’s latest album Paranormal! Get your copy of this masterpiece today!